On Progress and Process

Eric Teplitz
2 min readMay 13, 2015
Image credit: This Is A Book, by Demetri Martin

One of the greatest joys in life — in my experience and opinion — is the feeling of making progress, of getting better at something. Of being able to do something you, only a short while before, could not do (or could not do as well).

Examples are endless. A few that come to mind:

  • Practicing a musical instrument. Sometimes you can have the experience of being able to play something you previously could not (or play it significantly better) after only a single session of sitting down with your instrument. Certainly, regular practice only makes the experience of progress quicker and more frequent.
  • Building physical endurance or strength. Running, or weight lifting, for example. You gradually/systematically push your body slightly beyond what it has previously done. Then, after internalizing the gain through rest and recovery, you’re able to do even more the next time.
  • Overcoming a fear. Through repeated exposure, you lessen your anxiety about doing something you want to do (say, public speaking, or giving blood), and then feel good about yourself afterwards for having done it.

These are positively reinforcing experiences. They make you want to keep going. To continue making even more progress!

Now, of course, progress isn’t always linear. You are likely to have “good days” and…



Eric Teplitz

Life coach devoted to living with passion and authenticity, and helping others do the same: http://ericteplitz.com/